Sleep Study Dubai, Best Sleep Clinic Information Sleep Clinic & Sleep Apnea, OSA,SLEEP Disorder & Snoring, Best CPAP Machine in Dubai UAE


Welcome to Sleep Study Dubai, Sleep Disorder information
Let's agree that Its really hard to sleep when you have breathing problem or sleep disorder or sleep apnea such as snoring, stop breathing while sleeping, OSA, ..etc and you have also to understand that sleep apnea if not treated may result in a growing number of health problems including:
- Daytime fatigue
- High blood pressure
- Heart failure, irregular heart beats & heart attacks
- Type 2 diabetes
- Stroke
- Depression
- Complications with medications & surgery
- Liver problems
- Sleep-deprived partners

The first step toward treating sleep apnea and living healthier is recognizing the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea.
Roughly 80% of people with sleep apnea don’t know they have it, partly because they can never witness their own nighttime symptoms
But Don't worry you can manage your sleep apnea and live a long, healthy life. The key is finding the right treatment option for your symptoms and lifestyle. Learn about the options here,

Effective treatment of sleep apnea has been shown to help alleviate these symptoms, which can lead directly to a healthier mental outlook and improved well-being
About Sleep Study Dubai
Sleep study duabi is an information center which talk about Polysomnography study (sleep study test). patients who are looking for anti snoring clinic or sleep clinic dubai or even anti snoring device will find this website is very helpful in term of presenting many information such as sleep disorder and sleep apnea machine, snoring cure, ways to stop snoring, snoring treatment, best snoring solutions, cpap machine, apap machine, automatic cpap machine dubai, bipap machines, sleep apnea device and sleep apnea treatment, sleep tests, home sleep study, sleep study at sleep lab.
We provide information for the full range of Sleep Disorders and Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders such as Snoring, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), Insomnia, Narcolepsy and associated Neuro-Psychiatric and Medical and Dental conditions. also information and details about Polysomnography (sleep study test).


What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes your body to stop breathing while you sleep. It’s a potentially fatal condition, with harmful short- and long-term complications, that affects more than 1 in 3 men and 1 in 6 women.
What causes sleep apnea?
There are three main types of sleep apnea:
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which more than 80% of sleep apnea patients have, occurs when enlarged and/or relaxed throat muscles obstruct your upper airway, blocking air from entering and leaving your lungs.
Central sleep apnea (CSA), so named for its relation to the central nervous system, occurs when the brain stops signalling for the body to breathe until it detects a lack of oxygen and/or a heightened level of carbon dioxide that needs to be exhaled.
Complex sleep apnea (CompSA) is a combination of OSA and CSA
Eventually your brain senses that you’ve stopped breathing and causes you to wake up just enough to gasp and start breathing again. Then you fall back to sleep and the cycle begins again. This can happen more than 120 times every hour, even though you may not remember waking up.
As you can imagine, apneas put immense short- and long-term strains on the body.
When you have an apnoea, air stops flowing to your lungs for 10 seconds or longer—that is, you actually stop breathing. As you can imagine, being deprived of oxygen and constantly being triggered back into breathing—hour after hour, night after night puts immense strain on your body.
Sleep apnoea affects more than 3 in 10 men and nearly 1 in 5 women, so it’s more common than you might think.
Short-term effects of sleep apnea
Of course apneas cause the immediate life-threatening danger of not inhaling enough oxygen (or exhaling enough poisonous carbon dioxide). But the body’s constant waking due to these apneas can also cause sleep deprivation. This can lower people’s energy and attentiveness the next day, negatively affect their moods and relationships with others, and raise the risk for memory loss, cognitive impairment and injury.
Long-term effects of sleep apnea
Untreated sleep apnea has been linked to an increased risk for other chronic and life-threatening conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart failure, as well as poorer glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes.The first step toward treating sleep apnea and living healthier is recognizing the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea and asking your doctor to get screened and tested. Roughly 80% of people with sleep apnea don’t know they have it, partly because they can never witness their own nighttime symptoms.
Common sleep apnea symptoms
While snoring is still the strongest predictor of sleep apnea in men and women,6 not everyone who snores has it. And more important, not everyone who has it snores. Below are other common sleep apnea symptoms:
Constant tiredness
Poor concentration
Night sweats
Weight gain
Lack of energy
Sexual dysfunction
Frequent urination at night
In addition, women often show subtler, atypical symptoms such as insomnia, morning headaches, depression and anxiety. These symptoms often lead to misdiagnoses such as depression, insomnia or menopausal side effects. If you have these symptoms, be sure to ask your doctor about whether you might have sleep apnea.
So why do we snore?
In simple terms, we snore when our body is not able to move air freely through the nose and throat - while we are asleep. In terms of anatomy, snoring is a result of a partially closed upper airway or the upper respiratory tract – that includes the nose and throat. Excessive relaxation of the neck muscles is the leading reason for snoring. This is because the upper airway partly closes and becomes too narrow, and it causes very little air to pass through to the lungs.
What are the leading causes of snoring?
Body weight- Being overweight is one of the foremost causes for snoring. If your Body Mass Index(BMI) is on the higher side, you are more prone to snoring. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, consuming a healthy diet, and sleeping and waking early, will largely help to regulate your body weight, and eventually lead to less or no snoring
Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs- Smoking and consuming alcohol disturb the muscles of the throat and upper airway, thereby causing breathing problems, and ultimately snoring. Some drugs and medications also cause snoring, as they cause excessive muscle relaxation.
Built- Body structure and physical attributes of individuals are a significant cause for snoring. This means men are more likely to snore than women, as they have narrower air passages. Genetic disorders that give way to narrow throat, cleft palate, and enlarged adenoids, also cause snoring among many people.
Age- Once your body starts to age, the throat becomes narrower. This causes the muscle tone in throat to lessen, and this leads to snoring. Growing old is inevitable, but snoring can be controlled with some lifestyle changes, setting proper routine for bedtime, and throat exercises.
Blocked nose or nasal cavity- Changes in climate and pollution often the prime reason for a blocked nose or congestion, due to cold or allergy. This in turn, makes breathing a cumbersome job, which creates a vacuum in the throat, thus giving way to snoring.
Impact of snoring
Snoring disrupts your sleep in more ways than one, and disturbs your bed partner, or people sleeping nearby. However, it poses some serious health risks too, as is elucidated below:
Drop in Blood Oxygen Levels – The most immediate result of snoring is a drop in blood oxygen levels. A normal blood oxygen level should be in the range of 94%-98%. Not breathing normally due to snoring for 30 seconds or more, results in the blood oxygen level to drop to 80% or lesser. Any level below 90% is dangerous to the body and require your instant attention.
Day-time Sleepiness – Since snoring leads to improper breathing and fragmented sleep, the most noticeable outcome is day-time sleepiness. Thus, this give way to irritable behavior, automobile accidents, and even depression in some cases.
Headaches- Waking up with a headache is one of the most common effects of snoring. Researchers have found a link between snoring and other sleep disorders with morning headaches. Constant headaches during the entire day can also be caused to habitual snorers. This often leads to irritation and fluctuations in mood.
Heart Diseases- Sleep disorders are connected to possible heart failures and attacks, due to cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure. Studies also state that people with sleep apnea are twice at risk to get heart diseases and heart attacks. Moreover, people also run the risk of developing irregular heart rhythm(Arrhythmia) due to snoring.
Strokes- The more you snore, the greater is the risk for you to get a stroke. This is because the intensity of snoring can narrow arteries in the neck, due to fatty deposits.
Accidents- Sleep apnea due to snoring can cause you to feel sleepy during daytime. This can often result people to fall asleep while driving or other activities that needs good amount of attention. Thus, this paves way for uncalled road accidents.
Mental Health Concerns- As talked earlier, snoring can lead to increased irritability in mood, and sometimes can even cause anxiety and mild depression

Do you suspect that you might be snoring at night, or wondering whether you keep your partner awake by snoring loudly? If yes, then you would want to put an end to this mystery, once and for all. There are a few ways that can help you find the answers to your questions.
Read on to know about the ‘not so technical’ techniques, that will provide you the answers to your sleep routine queries:

Talk to your bed-partner
Remember how it is said that talking solves half the problem. Well, this philosophy work fine to tackle snoring too. It is difficult to know on your own whether you snore or not. Therefore, you can easily take the help of your partner to do the job for you. Who knows - they might just be waiting for you to address the issue by initiating a conversation about it.

Get your recorder on
More often than not, technology doesn’t fail to provide the answers, when there is no one to turn to. If you sleep alone, getting an audio/video recorder to take an account of your sleeping and snoring patterns, is a great way to assess the situation. Record your sleep, and evaluate the results the next day.

Daytime indicators
Night-time indicators
Snoring can result in lethargy, headaches and irritability the entire day, after one wakes up. If you experience these issues quite often, it might be a key indicator of snoring issues. You can also keep a close watch on your mood-swings. If there are any, or sometimes even the difficulty to hold your attention for longer duration, they might be a direct result of snoring.
if you wake up in the middle of night, and feel out of breath or a sudden choking sensation – snoring might be the reason to blame. A restless sleep is also caused due to snoring in many cases. Snoring can be classified into many types, based on where it originates from. Following are four different types.

Mouth-based snoring
This happens when you breathe (inhale and exhale both) through your mouth, instead of the nose, while sleeping. To avoid this type of snoring, you can use devices such as an adhesive tape especially designed for this purpose, or mouth guards to help you to keep your mouth closed

Tongue-based snoring
When the tongue falls back on the throat, it becomes difficult to breathe and thereby, causes snoring. Mandibular Advancement Device is especially designed to be used as a remedy for tongue snorers. It helps by moving your jaws forward to avoid the tongue blocking the back of throat, to interrupt breathing.

Nose-based snoring
Throat-based snoring
This happens when the nostrils are blocked or congested, which block your airway, and this results in snoring. Nasal dilator strips can help in keeping the airway open, and thus, stop snoring. In cases of nasal snoring, quitting to smoke also helps in improving the condition.
The vibration of soft tissues in the throat, can cause this type of snoring. These extra soft tissues form excess weight, and therefore - weight loss will help in this condition.
Treatment options for your snoring depend on a number of factors, but the two key ones are these:
Do you snore through your nose or through your throat?
Do you snore and have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?
The good news
There are solutions for throat snorers, as well as for throat snorers with sleep apnea. This includes both mild to moderate OSA as well as more severe cases of OSA.
Throat snorers who don’t have sleep apnea
You fall into this category if you’ve tested for sleep apnea and obtained an apnea-hypopnoea index (AHI) score of less than 5. If you don’t know what your AHI is, we strongly recommend you get screened. Otherwise, you risk adopting a solution to the wrong problem.
We believe one of the most efficient treatment options for throat snoring is a custom made device that simply fits in your mouth and helps keep your lower jaw forward while you sleep – this in turn helps keep the back of your throat open.
These devices go by many names but we call ours a mandibular repositioning device (MRD) and its named Narval CC™*.
Are you a nose snorer? Then MRDs are probably not for you. You’ll need to investigate options that include sprays, nose strips, chin straps and more. Visit your country’s sleep association for recommendations.
Throat snorers with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea
If your AHI levels fall between 5 and 30, ResMed offers both the Narval MRD as well as full range of positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy options. MRDs are a first intention therapy option and a clinically-proven alternative to PAP therapy for snorers with mild to moderate OSA
Users tend to prefer oral appliances over CPAP, so they tend to wear them for longer periods.
This higher ease of adoption means that they are equally as effective as CPAP
Throat snorers with severe OSA
If your AHI levels are over 30, your sleep physician will recommend PAP therapy as a first choice. There are different types of PAP therapy, including Automatic CPAP Machine (APAP Machine), Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP Machine), and bi-level therapy (BIPAP Machine)
If you’ve demonstrated that you do not support PAP therapy, your sleep physician can prescribe an MRD. In fact, in the largest multilevel study of its kind, users with severe OSA who regularly wore Narval CC were just as likely to reduce their AHI levels by 50% as wearers with mild to moderate OSA.
Other options for treating snoring include surgery and radiofrequency treatment


So What is OSA?
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common sleep disorder. This is mainly characterized by repeated upper airway disturbances during sleep, which causes breathing to stop for some seconds, throughout the night. This interrupted breathing causes a significant drop in oxygen levels in the blood, resulting in an episode of Apnea.
People who suffer from OSA may snort, or gasp loudly as the breathing resumes during sleep. It can also cause choking due to obstructed airway.
What are the major causes for OSA?
There are several factors that contribute to the onset of OSA in people. These ranges from your bodyweight, to the formation and shape of your tongue.
Being overweight can cause obstructive Sleep Apnea, as soft and fat tissues tend to thicken the walls of the windpipe, which obstructs the pathway of air.
Your tongue size can also cause OSA. If the tongue is thicker or larger than the opening in the windpipe, it will disrupt the passage of air into the windpipe, making it difficult to breathe while you are asleep.
A condition called deviated septum can also trigger OSA among many individuals. Deviated septum is a result of the deviated bone and cartilage (septum), that divide the nasal cavity into half - is placed off-centre or is crooked. This disrupts your normal breathing. However, only severe conditions of imbalance of the septum lead to OSA
Smoking and alcohol are also associated with several forms of breathing problems and can be a trigger to cause problems like OSA.
Ageing also effects breathing patterns. Ageing weakens the ability of the brain signals to indicate the throat muscles, to stay stiff while you are asleep. The airway either narrows or collapses because of this, giving rise to OSA.
Other medical conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes are also causal factors of breathing issues in OSA.
Symptoms of OSA while sleeping
Loud snoring- Snoring can also be a symptom of Central Sleep Apnea (CSA), but in OSA it is more prominent and louder.
Breathing cessation- People suffering from OSA experience difficulties in breathing during sleep, and there are episodes of choking or gasping, several times during sleep.
Restlessness- The person might find it difficult to stay asleep, or may be restless during sleep, if distressed by OSA.
Suddenly waking up - Due to loss of breath, the person might wake up feeling choked causing a break in sleep.
Frequent visits to bathroom
Frequently wake up to drink water
Symptoms of OSA During Daytime
Day time sleepiness- Waking up feeling low on energy, and feeling sleep-deprived isn’t a good feeling and it indicates an improper sleep.
Morning headaches- Bad headaches every morning after waking up signals OSA. Due to low oxygen levels, blood vessels can widen up causing these headaches
Dry throat - Dry or sore throat on awakening are the signs of OSA. Dry mouth can be a result of breathing through mouth.
Mood swings - Feelings of irritation and anxiety are due to OSA.Not getting quality sleep almost every night can make a person irritated or susceptible to these mood swings. If not attended on time, this can even lead to depression.
Loss of attention - OSA affects cognitive functions, making it difficult for a person to concentrate for long, and even cause amnesia for some

Treating OSA can Control Hyper-Tension

Treating OSA can Control Hyper-Tension

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that regularly affects millions of people worldwide. In short, individuals with insomnia find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. The effects can be devastating.
Insomnia commonly leads to daytime sleepiness, lethargy, and a general feeling of being unwell, both mentally and physically. Mood swings, irritability, and anxiety are common associated symptoms.
Insomnia has also been associated with a higher risk of developing chronic diseases. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 30-40 percent of American adults report that they have had symptoms of insomnia within the last 12 months, and 10-15 percent of adults claim to have chronic insomnia.
Here, we will discuss what insomnia is, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and possible treatments.
Fast facts on insomnia:
There are many possible causes of insomnia.
An estimated 30-40 percent of Americans report experiencing insomnia each year.
Often, insomnia is due to a secondary cause, such as illness or lifestyle.
Causes of insomnia include psychological factors, medications, and hormone levels.
Treatments for insomnia can be medical or behavioral.
Insomnia can be caused by physical and psychological factors. There is sometimes an underlying medical condition that causes chronic insomnia, while transient insomnia may be due to a recent event or occurrence. Insomnia is commonly caused by:
Disruptions in circadian rhythm - jet lag, job shift changes, high altitudes, environmental noise, extreme heat or cold.
Psychological issues - bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, or psychotic disorders.
Medical conditions - chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, congestive heart failure, angina, acid-reflux disease (GERD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, sleep apnea, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, hyperthyroidism, arthritis, brain lesions, tumors, stroke.
Hormones - estrogen, hormone shifts during menstruation. contact Sleep study Dubai today
Other factors - sleeping next to a snoring partner, parasites, genetic conditions, overactive mind, pregnancy.


Sleep study is tests that record the body activity during sleep. They are helpful in identification of sleep disorders. Sleep study test also called Polysomnogram / Polysomnography (PSG), a type of sleep study, is the gold standard to rule out obstructive sleep apnea.
Polysomnography (Sleep Study Test) records several body functions during sleep, including brain activity, eye movement, oxygen and carbon dioxide blood levels, heart rate and rhythm, breathing rate and rhythm, the flow of air through the mouth and nose, snoring, body muscle movements, and chest and belly movement.
The Home Sleep Test also called an Out of Sleep Center Test (OCST) is used exclusively for the diagnosis of sleep apnea. Portable equipment is sent home with the patient. The channels are usually limited to airflow, respiratory effort, and oximetry
in Obstructive sleep Apnea, one stops breathing frequently during sleep, impacting the health severely. A Home Sleep Test is a sleep study that is used for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.
On the night you've scheduled your home sleep test, you'll follow your normal evening routine, prepare for sleep and start the recording(see video). In the morning, you'll remove everything as previously demonstrated and return the recording device.


What is CPAP Therapy?
Welcome to CPAP Machine Dubai information :
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device is a gold standard treatment for people who suffer from sleeping disorders, like snoring or OSA.
It is one of the most commonly used treatment methods for OSA. In OSA a person experiences, shortness of breath several times while asleep, due to a blocked airway.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device is one of the treatment options to cure the problem of snoring/sleep apnea. The person wears a nasal or face mask during sleep, and the device helps to keep the airway open by providing positive airflow through a pump
OSA can disrupt sleep making it difficult for a person to get a complete sleep, making the person drowsy and anxious, after waking up and in long term if it is left untreated it could increase the risk for High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Stroke, Heart diseases and obesity. This is where CPAP comes into play.
Benefits of CPAP therapy
CPAP results in positive outcomes for most users. Some of these improvements in sleep include:
Breathing and snoring issues are eliminated
Improved quality of sleep
Regular use of CPAP device results in reduced daytime drowsiness and tiredness, especially in mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea.
Improvement in health conditions like cardiovascular problems.
Regulates blood pressure both during daytime and night.
Increased attention, and better concentration during day.
do you have more questions? contact CPAP Machine dubai today.






Benefits of sleep apnea treatment
What are the benefits of treating sleep apnea? When left untreated, sleep apnea can negatively affect your energy levels, productivity and mental well-being. It can also have long-term, adverse effects on your heart, metabolism and overall health. Sleep apnea can affect anyone — fit or overweight, old or young, male or female. It can even affect children. OSA can lead to many health problems like cardiovascular diseases and can even be life-threatening if not provided with the right medical condition on time
A few of the common symptoms are:
Loud snoring
Lack of energy
Daytime sleepiness
Morning headaches
A partner or family member notices that you stop breathing during sleep
Effective Treatment is Important
Effective treatment of sleep apnea has been shown to help alleviate these symptoms, which can lead directly to a healthier mental outlook and improved well-being. If you think you or someone you know might have sleep apnea, it’s important that you talk to a doctor or health care professional. Be sure to let your doctor know if any of the following apply to you:
I’ve been told that I stop breathing during sleep.
My family tells me I snore.
I’m tired all day even after a full night’s sleep.
I have no energy.
I frequently wake up with a headache.
I nap anytime and anywhere I can.
Reduce Your Daytime Sleepiness
Daytime sleepiness is a bigger issue than it seems and that is why it needs to be addressed more solemnly now than ever before. In fact, it is a lot more than what can be excused for having a tiring day or restless sleep at night. Researches state a striking relationship between sleep disorders and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), of which obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one. Patients suffering from OSA often show symptoms of EDS caused due to poor nocturnal oxygenation and dysregulation of autonomic function. It is believed that these factors are responsible for the destruction of neural networks responsible for wake promotion, also it causes autonomic arousals causing disrupted sleep.
This is possibly the reason that people with sleep apnea wake up feeling fatigued and overly tired experiencing a phenomenon termed as Dysania or clinomania attributed by a feeling excessive stress or anxiousness while getting out of bed in the morning.
The fatigue and daytime sleepiness experienced by an OSA patient is different from feeling of tiredness and can have negative consequences if ignored for too long.
This is the reason it is advised to get regular health check-ups to diagnose the problem as early as possible to seek the best and effective treatment.
If getting up in the morning causes you extreme stress to you on most of your days and you find it difficult to keep your eyes open in the most demanding situations like driving, then it is a sign that your fatigue is not just due to physical tiredness but a lot more.
OSA is being recognized as the increasing cause of medical morbidity and mortality. It is important to spread the awareness about its causal factors and potential symptoms to let people recognize its prevalence in around them as well for themselves, to reduce the burden of sleep apnea globally.

Reduce Accidents
CPAP can help you become a safer driver by reducing your daytime sleepiness. Untreated sleep apnea makes you more likely to be involved in a deadly crash. Many people with sleep apnea have a hard time staying awake and concentrating while driving.

Treating OSA Can Control Diabetes & Reduce The Drug Load By Half
New Study Highlights Clinical and Economic Benefits of CPAP Therapy in sleep apnea Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
While it is already a matter of concern, its association with OSA makes the situation even worse. Patients diagnosed with OSA live with a greater risk of developing type-2 diabetes or worsen the condition if they already have it. OSA tends to incite a state of severe insulin resistance, resulting in compensatory hyperinsulinemia thereby, increasing the requirement for higher doses of exogenous insulin. This condition eventually leads to the development of type-2 diabetes.
A recent study on the suspected relationship between OSA and diabetes found that snoring is independently associated with the increased risk of type-2 diabetes in males aged between 30-69 years and in females within 40-65 years of age group. The prevalence of diabetes is found to be higher up to 15%-30% in OSA patients than people without OSA
OSA, though a serious health risk is a treatable condition, and the benefits of the treatment also are seen on its co-morbid conditions too. Therefore, it is very important to seek timely treatment for your condition, to get a relief in its associated conditions. Many studies have shown that CPAP treatment for OSA has a positive effect on insulin control and improved diabetic conditions5. The promising results surely give a ray of hope to diabetic patients, suffering from OSA.
Control Blood Pressure
Out of many health problems associated with OSA high blood pressure or hypertension is also the one.
Researchers have proven time and again, how high blood pressure can lead to OSA or worsen the breathing pattern in patients already suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea has been found highly relevant to high blood pressure.
Almost 50% of the times these two conditions were found co-existing in patients. Also, OSA has been proven as the second most prevalent contributor to high blood pressure.
During an OSA episode, there is a surge in systolic and diastolic pressure that can elevate the blood pressure during the night time. At times the blood pressure can remain elevated even in during the day when the breathing is normal.
This daytime surge in the blood pressure is a result of overactivity in the sympathetic nervous system and vascular function and structure alterations due to inflammation and oxidant stress.
This repeated phenomenon of disturbed blood pressure pattern can turn into a sustained health condition causing hypertension if the treatment is not provided at the right time.

Reduce The Risk of Heart Disease
By treating your sleep apnea, you can reduce your risk of heart disease. Sleep apnea is linked to a variety of heart problems because it causes you to stop breathing many times each night. These breathing pauses cause changes in your blood pressure and can reduce your blood oxygen levels. This puts an enormous strain on your heart.
People with untreated sleep apnea have a higher rate of death from heart disease than those without sleep apnea or with treated sleep apnea. Using CPAP therapy over an extended period of time can protect you from heart problems and reduce your chance of dying from them. These heart problems include:
Congestive heart failure
Coronary artery disease
Irregular heartbeat

Reduce Your Risk Of Stroke
If you have sleep apnea, consistent CPAP use can reduce your risk of stroke, one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability. A stroke is a sudden loss in brain function. It occurs when there is a blockage or rupture in one of the blood vessels leading to the brain. People with untreated sleep apnea are two to four times more likely to have a stroke.

Mental Health
Sleep disorders are potential symptoms of almost every psychiatric illness. About 40% of patients who seek medical help for sleeping problems have a psychiatric condition. Meanwhile, to have a mental health disorder without sleep problems is quite rare: fewer than 20% of mental health patients don’t have sleep problems. in addition Snoring can lead to increased irritability in mood, and sometimes can even cause anxiety and mild depression. ref: , ref:


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